Saturday 21 June 2014

Flowers and little bees

Woo hoo the flowers are out and little bumbles are saying hello!

Found this beautiful Rose peeking out from behind a bush searching for the sun.

More bumbles dancing around the flowers, with the decline in bee numbers, I recently seen a post about how to look out for tired and weary bees.  If you see a bee on the ground, we often think it's dying but apparently it may well just be exhausted, so try leaving a solution of sugary water on a little plate, or on a spoon so it can have a drink and regain it strength....... Love this idea so my mam and me decide to dot these little bee dishes with rocks and broken crockery for the bees to climb on around their favourite bushes.... Hope they like it!


Friday 20 June 2014

Spring is here!

So spring is finally here.  Had some beautiful weather lately......mind you don't know how long it will last!.

Sitting in mams garden soaking up the sun, flowers in full bloom, especially love seeing the blooms in this photo - when my dad passed away, it seemed like a fitting tribute to plant flowers in his wellies and put them out on the patio - his favourite place to sit and read in the afternoon sun.  Just love this time of year - full of good memories x 

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Bahhhhhh! Damn this rat race malarkey !

Is it just me or does everyone else sit at work pondering over the fact that surely there must be something better than this?........working the old 9-5 day in and day I am fairly new to this work schedule, after 10 years in a busy ED department to now doing desk work is a bit of a culture shock to say the least!.

I spent so long feeling lost - as if the path I was on was completely clouded and I couldn't find my way.  I felt I had lost my drive my creativity, my messy mojo......what ever you want to call it - it was gone!. I've always been arty....well just loved making a mess really, but after leaving school I never followed my one true wish and that was a career in some kind of art and design.....thing.
But with my inner art soul squashed and hidden for so long, I never thought I'd find it again.......until recently that is.  I could feel my inner voice and whispers (of the soul that is) trying to guild me to something more creative....yes this sounds ridiculous but honestly this is how it felt, I just had such a urge, craving, and must to start something creative.  So card making was first, inking, stamping then mixed media, altered art, canvas, modelling clay,melting pots, you name in I was loving it!

While discovering these new styles, designs, techniques I found that my soul cravings would ease and my inner whispers were calmed but also totally engrossed and excited at the same time......which lead to a very happy me, a fulfilled me.
It seems the more I do craft, design, make a mess wise, and the more techniques I try and love, the more I yearn for a more creative life.  The most eye opening example of this was when I purchased Kelly Rae Roberts book -' Taking Flight'...OMG! I can't even begin to explain just how this hit home - in a huge way.  It was almost like she was describing my exact situation, life, needs, desires, dreams and it made it all to familiar as she too had come from a nursing type background, so I could totally relate to her.  This was the catalyst that set my arty desire to life - I realised that making a career from your passion is possible and there was a whole world of like minded people in my exact same boat - all looking for other similar people to connect with.

With this in mind the blog was born......which only lasted a few month if I'm honest, but I'm back on the messy arty wagon so I'm must blog a post at least once a week if not more!....mind you I'm still working out how the hell to work this thing - but I'm here to stay so I guess I'll get my head around day!

Sunday 15 June 2014

Sending you rainbows Dad x

So June is a bit of a difficult month - Father's Day today and my dad's memory tomorrow (16th)
So nothing like soothing the soul with some art for the heart!.  Made this for my dad while lost in my own little messy crafty world, decoupage, distressing, inking, stamping, little wire wings, topped off with a crystal  door knob! X

Sunday 8 June 2014

To do list

Ok it's been a week....almost since the last post - but I've been busy ticking off chores from the 'To Do' list, one being varnishing the stairs, so with all necessary items purchased it was time for some elbow grease........ok so it wasn't my elbows but the other half's - now he's no DIY king more like jester but at least he tries!.

Now it was time to tackle the craft room.......OMG! Talk about organised chaos!.....lets just say chaos.
Well I did have full intention on tiding up.....but the paints were calling - honest.  So with 2 canvas started and 2 birdcages painted my creative soul was fed and watered, with he messy crafts done it was time for the crocheting.

So with a few crochet blankets  completed and great responses on the outcome, I've decided to try my hand and crochet cushion covers.....seen some on Etsy and they look great.  

If all goes well and I end up making enough then I might venture to the craft fair at Tynemouth market.....mind you it may take some time to build up on stock, so let the crochet marathon begin!!!.

Monday 2 June 2014

Arghhhh that Monday feeling!

Well it's Monday morning, sat on the train to work.  Although it has been some what of a successful weekend of mess, made 2 birthday cards for my niece (16th) hands are still dyed from the Inking I did for her cards!!!....I'll see if I can get a photo of the cards as I was quite chuffed with how they came out!

We then went out for a curry for her birthday - it's some what of a tradition for the Carey clan to do......well saying that, it's any excuse for a curry really!!!.

Inking done and successfully covered the craft room (and me) in mess! - it was time to attempt to finish my friends anniversary present - a rainbow blanket.  Well I'm almost done, nearly up to the edging now! 

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Granny square sunburst ooohhhh

Well the crafting weekend was somewhat of a success. One baby blanket complete and given to the beautiful little Violet, hope she likes it!.  

Well we all know how the baby booty turned out - failed as a medieval shoe! think I'll be giving those a miss for now.

I did however learn a new granny square pattern - sun burst which I picked up on Pinterest (love it).  It contains, puff and cluster stitches - hence the new start of a granny square blanket!.......just have to learn how to stitch them all together at the end - no doubt that we be a treat....not!!! Photos soon!

Saturday 24 May 2014

Crochet, paint, mess and wool......ohhhh my favourite kind of fun!

Ok so after a sneaky little days holiday on Friday from work......nice long weekend for me woo Hooo!.  So let the crafting from dusk till dawn commence!......well ok Friday had a snipit of crafting as I decided that me and the Gypsy ( AKA Anthony the other half) had to get down to some dirtiness..........that is cleaning the house including cleaning out the fuzzies (ferrets), yes I have 4 of the little buggers.

Zebedee, Bear, Boo and Betty ( must find a photo of Betty ).  Oh and not to mention the newest addition to the family Roscoe my Bengal kitten!

Although between her and the ferrets I don't know who is the naughtiest.  Since I lost me beautiful boy Zion, my Dogue De bOrdeaux last year the house has felt so empty, but with these five they surely keep me entertained!!!.

Ahhhhh isn't he just beautiful!!! 10 stone of slobberyness and cuteness !!!

So after the boring jobs done around the house I thought I'd finish some of my blankets off, heresthe 'Violet' blanket for the baby.

I'm actually really pleased how it turned out.....mind you I didn't realise just how big it was! - hope baby Violet like it!.

Ok one blanket finished - now to try something new......a baby crochet bootie......

Yes it should probably come with a warning of it me or does it look more like something a Viking peasant would wear back in the medieval days......oh well practise makes perfect.
Ohhh and the circles are coming on a treat - well it seems to be more on the flat side at least!!!

Think I might just carry on the rounds to see what a blanket turns out this space!.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Rainbow blankets galore!!!

Now I am looking forward to a long weekend of crafting ahead - got one baby blanket to finish crocheting for a lovely new baby called hence the blanket is all shades of Violet colours, lets hope she likes it.  I'm also half way through a wedding anniversary present for my best friend - this year is the year of cotton - so wool is a close enough to cotton right???, any excuse for a crochet marathon.  The blanket is all rainbow colours.

These rainbow blankets have a special significance to me and my family.  Ever since I lost my dad a few years back, I have come to associate rainbows with him, whenever I felt really down and sad, somehow a rainbow would always appear....hence the title of the blog which follows this - as he is always sending me rainbows when I really need him.  So with this in mind I decided to crochet a large granny square rainbow blanket for my mam for Mother's Day this year, and for my two sisters - so we would always have a rainbow with us when ever we needed to feel close to him.

Ohhhhhh can't decide???

Well it's day 1 of my return to blogging......2nd post may I say......hope this time lasts longer than the last - let's hope its within the same year this time......shocking I know!.

So with my new lease of crafting / making a mess! I have been changing my blog around, trying new backgrounds, colours, layout etc etc......I'm more confused than ever!, or should that be - I've got no clue what I'm doing!.

So after umpteen attempts and trials of blog looks I've decided on a wood type background.......lets just see how long this one lasts.

I look at other blogs and they all look brilliant, really professional looking, with great layouts and backgrounds.   Well it looks like I'm just going to have to keep try stuff out and experimenting.......practice makes perfect and all that jazz!!!.

So I'm looking forward to more daily posts with all my tales of joy and woes from throughout the day, boring it may be but I've set myself the challenge of daily posts no matter how short and sweet some may be!.